Expedited Processing Service
This listing is to expedite your order through the creation process. This service does not come with a guaranteed date of arrival - only a guaranteed ship date. Please note: this does not decrease the time in transit once your order has shipped. Transit time is determined by the shipping method selected at checkout.
Please do not add items to this order that are not being expedited. Please place those orders separately, as they will have a different ship date.
Only a few time slots are available each week for expedited orders. Please message with the following specifics before purchasing to verify that your deadline can be met.
-size and style of the garment(s) you wish to expedite
-the U.S. state your order will deliver to
-any other special requests (design change, etc.)
Once approved, choose the quantity of items that you are expediting from the drop down box and add to the cart along with the item(s) you wish to purchase.
Please reach out with any questions!